Module 2

Front End Web/Portfolio

Professional Portfolio w/ HTML and CSS Requirements

Create a portfolio site highlighting your work that can be shared with potential employers. Focus first on building a good structure, then later style and lay out with with CSS.

Skills Required

In order to deliver this webpage solution, you will need the following skills and knowledge.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • CSS Grid
  • CSS Flexbox


Make a repository for your portfolio called

Build the document structure

  • Create a main page (index.html) representing a professional portfolio, including the following:

    • an appropriate <header> element

    • a <nav> element linking to each of the sections

    • an <h1> element with your page title (there can be only one)

    • a <section> element for each of the following, each of which should contain an appropriate heading element:

    • About Me, consisting of:

      • brief biographical information
      • photo
      • contact information
      • links to your professional networking site profiles, including at least GitHub and LinkedIn
      • list of skills

      Include whatever other information you consider pertinent.

    • Projects, consisting of at least three, each represented as an <article>

      • name of project, linked to GitHub repository or the repository/project's GitHub Pages
      • screenshot
      • skills / technologies used

      Don't worry that your available projects are limited now. You'll have time to increase the size of your portfolio.

    • an appropriate <footer> element

Lay out and style your portfolio

  • Assign ids/classes to sections/etc, then use css grid to lay out your page. Reference MDN and this tutorial to work out how to use grid:
  • To contain the elements of your grid, you will want to create a <div>, something like <div id="container">...</div>.
  • Create CSS rules to style page elements appropriately.

Using online resources

Any resources (images, etc) you use should be:

  • free for non-commercial use
  • copied to your repository and referenced there rather than via a uri pointing to another site


  • Section ids can be used to create anchors linking to those sections inside the page.

  • See the appropriate Mozilla Developer Network reference pages for guidance regarding tag usage:

Professional Portfolio with HTML and CSS Materials



External Resources



External Resources

CSS Grid


External Resources

CSS Flexbox


External Resources

Design Resources

Listed below are a few of the many websites that can help you improve your website design:

When you use images, please filter on those that have no copyright restrictions and are labelled for reuse:

External Resources