
November 2020 Remote Cohort

Online Learning Resources



Welcome to the Nov 2020 Remote session of WCCI's full-stack 14 week Java coding boot camp!

Week Date Activity
1-4 Mon, Nov 16 - Fri, Dec 11 Module 1 Object Oriented Programming
5 Mon, Dec 14 - Fri, Dec 18 Module 2 HTML and CSS

Important Dates

  • December 21-January 1, 2021: Winter Break (No Class)
  • January 18, 2021: MLK Day (No Class)
  • March 19, 2021: Demo Day & Graduation


General Information

Career Services

Date Workshop Assignment Due Date
11/23 Transferable Skills and OCI Chart OCI Chart 11/30/20

9:30 AM

11/30 Behavioral Interviewing Part 1 STAR Story Chart 12/7/20

9:30 AM

12/7 Behavioral Interviewing Part 2 Big Three Questions 12/14/20

9:30 AM

12/14 Resume Part 1 Resume Template 1/4/21

9:30 AM

Holiday Break 12/21/20-1/4/21
1/4/21 LinkedIn LinkedIn Profile (Completed According to Rubric) 1/11/21

9:30 AM

1/11/21 Informational Interviewing/Networking Networking Roadmap (Submission Form listed under 4. Prep & Practice) 1/19/21

9:30 AM

MLK Day 1/18/21
1/19/21 Self Branding/Who Are You Selling To? Mock Interview 1/25/21

9:30 AM

1/25/21 Resume Part 2 (Stylizing your Resume) Final Resume (use this rubric as guidance) 2/8/21

9:30 AM

2/1/21 Job Hunt 101 + Cover Letter Cover Letter 2/8/21

9:30 AM

2/8/21 Tech Interviewing and Demo Day Prep and Miscellaneous Tech Interview N/A

Submit assignments here: November 2020 Career Services Submission Form

  • Make sure the links that you share when submitting are viewable and editable (‘Share’ button in top right corner of Google document → ‘Get Link’ at the bottom →** ‘Change’ **to anyone with the link can edit)
  • When using a template of a document (the assignment links in the above table) DO NOT **request to edit the original document. Go to **‘File’‘Make a copy.’ Once you have made a copy, put your name in front of the assignment name to make it your own

Grading Breakdown:

Assignment Percentage of Total Grade Grading Criteria
OCI Chart 4% Minimum 5 characteristics completed
STAR Story Chart + Big Three Questions 20% All sections completed and done thoroughly
Resume Part 1 4% All sections completed within given template
Completed LinkedIn Profile 20% LinkedIn Checklist
Informational Interviewing 8% Minimum 3 Invitations sent and screenshotted (and sent to Student Success Coach)
Resume Part 2 (Final Resume) 20% Resume Checklist
Mandatory 1:1 Sessions 12% 5 1:1 sessions throughout program
Cover Letter 4% Completed Cover Letter
Mock Interview 8% Completed mock interview with student success coach