1 |
Data Types, Conditionals, Variables, Loops, Intro to Testing, Git Workflows |
Apprehensive, Nervous, Quiet, Excited |
2 |
Classes, Objects, Arrays, Collections, More testing |
Second guessing your decision: "What was I thinking?" I can't do this. I don't belong here. |
3 |
Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Even more testing |
Maybe I can do this. |
4 |
HTML and CSS, Styling and Layout |
Finally something I understand! Is this really as easy as I think it is? Building some confidence. |
5 |
Frameworks, Dependency Injection, Test Mocking |
I can't do this! |
6 |
Databases, MVC, Integration testing |
I thought I knew how to program. Now I only know I know nothing! |
7 |
Finishing touches to first web applications |
Okay, it's coming together. |
8 |
Javascript |
I hAtE jAvAsCrIpT. |
9 |
More JavaScript |
I now only dislike JavaScript. |
10 |
REST, API Creation, Single Page Applications |
This seems ok... but when does the other shoe drop? |
11 |
Finishing up Module 5, Final Project Pitches |
Final projects? I'm not sure I'm ready for this... |
12 |
Final Projects |
Why am I on a team with THIS person? |
13 |
Final Projects |
We will not finish on time! I'm not ready! |
14 |
Final Projects |
Imposter Syndrome - I don't know enough and I need a job! |