Emotional Roadmap

Is This Normal?

Cohort Roadmap

Week Curriculum Emotional/Experience Expectations
1 Data Types, Conditionals, Variables, Loops, Intro to Testing, Git Workflows Apprehensive, Nervous, Quiet, Excited
2 Classes, Objects, Arrays, Collections, More testing Second guessing your decision: "What was I thinking?" I can't do this. I don't belong here.
3 Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Even more testing Maybe I can do this.
4 HTML and CSS, Styling and Layout Finally something I understand! Is this really as easy as I think it is? Building some confidence.
5 Frameworks, Dependency Injection, Test Mocking I can't do this!
6 Databases, MVC, Integration testing I thought I knew how to program. Now I only know I know nothing!
7 Finishing touches to first web applications Okay, it's coming together.
8 Javascript I hAtE jAvAsCrIpT.
9 More JavaScript I now only dislike JavaScript.
10 REST, API Creation, Single Page Applications This seems ok... but when does the other shoe drop?
11 Finishing up Module 5, Final Project Pitches Final projects? I'm not sure I'm ready for this...
12 Final Projects Why am I on a team with THIS person?
13 Final Projects We will not finish on time! I'm not ready!
14 Final Projects Imposter Syndrome - I don't know enough and I need a job!