Web API Setup Notes
So far you've learned to build web based applications using what's known as server-side rendering.
A HTTP Request comes into the server and the server executes some code as a result of it. That server-side code winds up sending some HTML back down to the browser, and then the users interacts with it in their web browser. Certain actions that they take (submitting a form, for example) will cause a new request to be initiated which, after going thru the server-side code, will return some new HTML/JS/CSS that the user interacts with.
Front end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue aim to move a lot of the code that generates HTML off of the server and into the browser. Instead of downloading a whole new page, the client side code can just retrieve data from the server (AJAX) and then use DOM manipulation to update the view in the browser.
Go ahead and start setting up the following on your machine, if you don't already have them installed:
Tool | What we'll use it for | Download Link |
Node | Node is the platform that we'll use to create our application. | Download |
VS Code | We'll use this to edit our front end code. | Download |
Once you have VS Code installed, you'll want the extensions listed below. Hit ctrl-shift-x
to search for them in the marketplace:
VS Code Extensions | What we'll use it for |
VS Live Share | Live Share will allow us to easily collaborate. |
We will use Webpack to bundle all of the assets needed for JS, HTML, and CSS:
npm command | What we'll use it for |
npm init -y |
Sets up a new npm package with defaults |
npm install webpack webpack-dev-server webpack-cli --save-dev |
Uses npm to install Webpack |
"start": "webpack-cli serve --mode development --content-base docs/ --open Chrome" |
Adds a start script to package.json |
npm start |
Runs a development server with the bundle |