It's a Value-Based Proposition
Previously, we saw literals. In the statement:
console.log("Hello, World!");
"Hello, World!"
is a string
literal. It's a string
because it's a sequence of characters surrounded by quotation marks. It's a literal because it always has that value.
Let's Not Be Literal
In contrast, we have variables. In javascript, a variable's type is undefined, and its value can vary (thus the name).
Instead of:
console.log("Hello, World!");
I could have written...
const message = "Hello, World!";
Variables are variable
Variables are commonly declared by the let
or const
let message;
To be of value, the variable needs to be initialized:
message = "I am Sam";
When we initialize a variable, it's type changes dynamically, based on the value it's given.
But what is the value?
Variables store a value, but allow us to change the value that is stored if we use the let
let message = "I am Sam";
console.log(message); // prints "I am Sam"
message = "I am Spartacus";
console.log(message); // prints "I am Spartacus"
But this doesn't work:
const name = "Sam";
name = "Spartacus"; // Throws an error
Reusing Variables
Notice that in the previous example, when we first used our message
variable, we initialized it with the let
let message = "I am Sam";
When we reassigned its value, we didn't specify a type:
message = "I am Spartacus";
That's because we had already declared the variable. We declare a variable only once.
Defining Variables
When we do this:
let message = "I am Sam";
We are really combining these two things:
let message;
message = "I am Sam";
Declaring vs Initializing a Variable
We declare a variable by using the let
statement and giving a name. That's what we did here:
let message;
The variable's type is currently undefined. Its name is message
Initializing a variable
When we initialize a variable, we are joining the declaration and assignment into a single line code.
let message; // Declaring message
message = "I am Sam"; // Assigning message
...can be simplified as...
let message = "I am Sam"; // Initializing message
Variable Naming Conventions
We will talk about naming conventions quite a bit. They're important, since they reduce the cognitive load of people that need to look at your code. (This person might be you.)
Apart from constants (more on that later), we use camelCase
to name variables. The first letter should be lowercase, and the first letter of each additional word in a variable's name should be uppercase:
let myVariable = "my variable's value"; // Like this!
let myvariable = "my variable's value"; // Not this.
let MyVariable = "my variable's value"; // Not this, either.
Basic Data Types
JavaScript is not a pure object-oriented language. That is to say that it allows for primitive types as well as objects. As JavaScript is a dynamic and weakly-typed language, we declare these primitives by assigning the correct values to them.
A boolean
variable holds either the value true
or false
const writingCodeIsFun = true;
const rootCanalsAreFun = false; // unless you're a dentist?
Number Primitives
The number type represents both integer and floating point numbers.
Integers are whole numbers and floating point numbers are numbers with decimal fractions.
const answerInt = 42;
const doubleValue = 42.16440330489723961032;
String primitives
With strings We denote their values with quotation marks:
let myDeclaration = "I can code";
myDeclaration = "But this works too";
myDeclaration = `So does this`;
Symbols are a primitive value that always give you a unique value. They can only be created with the Symbol()
constructor. There is no way to make a symbol literal. Due to their unique nature, they're great for id's.
const myNewSymbol = new Symbol()
The constructor also takes an optional description:
const myDescribedSymbol = new Symbol('some identifier')
and null
These two are also technically primatives but should be avoided as much as possible.
denotes that a value has not been defined. This is essentially the default value that JS gives things until you change that. You should (almost) always avoid actively assigning this as a value to anything.
is similar to undefined
with one important exception. null
operates as a sort of quantified nothing. It means that there is nothing assigned to the value you're trying to access, but it's getting assigned nothing as opposed to simply not getting assigned.
These data types will be used in absolutely everything you code from here on out. So make sure that you are very familiar with all of them before moving forward.