What Are They?
Arrays allow us to store a sequence of values of a given type. This could be items on a menu, lottery numbers, or the birds in your menagerie.
You can think of an array as a sequence of cups. Each of these "cups" in an array holds a value, which we call an element. We reference a specific element using its zero-based index.
Element →
Index →
Declaring an Array
We declare an array using a syntax that we won't see elsewhere in C#. We follow the type of elements it will hold with its size (the number of elements it will hold) in square brackets. Also, we use the new
operator in a different way.
To create an array destined to hold the values of our cups from the previous example, we would do this:
int[] cupValues = new int[4];
This creates an array of type int
whose name is cupValues
. It has four elements.
Assigning Values
Remember our cups?
Element →
Index →
We use array indices (that's the plural of index) to assign values to elements. This is how we'd declare our array and assign element values:
int[] cupValues = new int[4];
cupValues[0] = 42;
cupValues[1] = 86;
cupValues[2] = 23;
cupValues[3] = 8;
Change can be painful
Arrays are very efficient, but their size is fixed. If I wanted to change the number of cups, I'd need to create a new array, assign it to my variable, then repopulate all the values:
cupValues = new int[2];
cupValues[0] = 42;
cupValues[1] = 86;
Notice I didn't declare cupValues
again. I merely reassigned a new array to it. We will look at List
s and Dictionary
s later, types in C# that are more flexible.
Retrieving Values
To retrieve values, we use a syntax like we used to assign values:
Console.WriteLine(cupValues[0]); // prints "42"
Console.WriteLine(cupValues[1]); // prints "86"
Console.WriteLine(cupValues[2]); // prints "23"
Console.WriteLine(cupValues[3]); // prints "8"
How Big Is It?
Often, it's important to know the size of an array. How many cups do I have?
To do this, we use the Length
property, like so (notice that dot operator):
int[] cupValues = new int[4];
int numberOfCups = cupValues.Length;
Console.WriteLine(numberOfCups); // prints "4"
cupValues = new int[2];
Console.WriteLine(cupValues.Length); // prints "2"
What is the value of numberOfCups
after we run this code?
Revenge of the Curly Brackets
We can also initialize an array with values. We do this using curly brackets to surround a comma-delimited list of values, like so:
string[] giantWords = { "fee", "fie", "foe", "fum" };
Note that we also do not include the size of the array. C# figures this out based on the number of values we provide.
This creates a String array with these values:
index | value | reference |
0 | "fee" | giantWords[0] |
1 | "fie" | giantWords[1] |
2 | "foe" | giantWords[2] |
3 | "fum" | giantWords[3] |
...and these curly brackets aren't defining a code block. By now, you're probably thinking...
There's more than one way…
When we do this:
string[] giantWords = { "fee", "fie", "foe", "fum" };
It is equivalent to doing this:
string[] giantWords = new string[4];
giantWords[0] = "fee";
giantWords[1] = "fie";
giantWords[2] = "foe";
giantWords[3] = "fum";
We can initialize an array with this syntax, but we can't use it to later assign it new values. This is because array sizes are fixed (can't change), and C# wouldn't be able to check when compiling our code.
Let's Do It Together
If we needed to create a class roster, would an array be appropriate? How would we go about it?
Now You Do It!
For each of the following, create an array, assign its values, then print out those values:
- The names of three people you know.
- The GPAs on a 4.0 scale of five students.
- Create an array of your top four vacation spots, then print the top (first) spot and the bottom (last spot).
- Create a
that holds your last name. Print out the number of letters in your name.
And then and then and then...
There are some useful methods of String
which return arrays.
Splitting Strings
is one of them. It allows us to split a String
into an array of String
s. It accepts one argument, which is the delimiter it should use to split the String
string source = "this, that, the other";
string[] elements = source.Split(", ");
Console.WriteLine(elements[0]); // prints "this"
Console.WriteLine(elements[1]); // prints "that"
Console.WriteLine(elements[2]); // prints "the other
What is the value of elements.Length
Looking at characters
We have talked about string
s as sequences of characters. Now we have the tools to treat them that way. String
has a ToCharArray
method that returns an array of char
string myName = "Sue";
char[] letters = myName.ToCharArray();
Console.WriteLine("The first letter of my name is " + letters[0]);
A related method is IndexOf
, which returns the first index of a character:
string myName = "Sue";
Console.WriteLine(myName.IndexOf('S')); //prints "0"
Console.WriteLine("foo".IndexOf('o')); //prints "1"
Another version of the IndexOf
method (this is called overloading) will accept a string
Console.WriteLine("fee, fie, foe, fum".IndexOf("foe")); //prints "10"
A Little Wonky
Before teaching a bootcamp, I... uhhh... I mean a friend of mine often had to look up the syntax for arrays because they're not really like other things in C#.
Arrays are objects, but they don't conform to all the rules of other objects. They are special snowflakes.
Some differences to be aware of:
- We create them using the
operator, but we don't use a constructor method like we would with other objects. - Their values can be initialized with a creative (confusing) use of curly brackets.
- We can't call methods on them (at least not directly).
- We use square brackets to both declare arrays and to access element values, something we won't see elsewhere.
Work It
Create an array holding the names of four of your peers sitting next to you. Print the first letter of each of their names.
- Change your code (or create more code) that asks you to enter each of their names via the console.
Create a console application that asks you to enter a word and then a letter. Print out either "Yep, it's got one of those" or "So, sorry", depending on whether the word contains that letter.
Create a
representing a list of things that uses some delimiter (commas, dashes, etc). Split thatString
into an array ofString
s, then print one or more of these array elements.