CarGarage is a Console App that allows a user to interact with a car. When your application is complete, you will have written methods that give the car a make and model, make the car go, make it stop, and change other aspects of the car's behavior based on its current state.
Car Garage will have the following features:
- The ability to set the make and model of the car.
- The ability to get the current speed.
- The ability to check if the driver is speeding.
- The ability to make the car accelerate, or accelerate twice as fast if its a Ferrari!
- Limitations so that speed will not exceed 100 mph.
- The ability to make the car slow down, but not below 0 mph.
- The ability to cut the speed in half if the auto braking system is active.
The Car Class
The Car class has been created for you. Open the Car.cs file and you will see a list of properties. Properties include Make, Model, Speed, FuelLevel, and AutoBrakeActive. There is no need to add any additional properties or constructors. The Car.cs file is where you will add methods to pass the tests.
The Car Tests Class
The Car Tests class has been created for you. Open the CarTests.cs file and you will see 10 pre-made tests. Please do not change the test methods. Work on one test at a time. Read the test name and the purpose of the test in the comments. Uncomment the code in one test, as directed. Then write the method in the Car class to pass the test. Repeat until you have written methods that pass all 10 tests!
The Program Class
It is not necessary to add code to the Program class. This application will not do anything when it is run except display "Welcome to Car Garage!" in the console. This project is only about adding methods that correctly pass the unit tests. If the unit tests pass, we know it will work!
Grading is Pass/Fail. A Passing grade will be based on the following criteria:
- Your completed work has been pushed up to the GitHub Classroom repository before the deadline.
- You have written methods to make 8 out of 10 tests pass.