Create a Spring MVC program that displays provided employee data through a Thymeleaf template page.
Skills Required
- Spring MVC
- Thymeleaf
- Object Oriented Programming
- MVC Design Pattern
- Collections
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
Using Thymeleaf and Spring MVC, build the application in the following small iterations. It should function at completion of each iteration!
Write the Thymeleaf template where you will do the following:
Write a model called Employee and it contains the following:
Encapsulated data:
- Identification
Employee name as:
- First
- Middle
- Last
- Suffix
- Employee address by creating a relationship to the Address model
Write the controller for Employee
Create an EmployeeRepository with values of your choice
Write a model called Address and it contains the following:
Encapsulated data:
- Identification
- Employee Identification
Address as:
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- Apartment Number
- City
- State
- Zip
- Zip + Four
- County
- Country
Write the controller for Address
Create an AddressRepository with values of your choice
Write a ThymeLeaf template to display the Employee and the Employee's Address.
Use CSS Grid or Flexbox to style the templates to have an consistent look and feel.