Girl Scout Cookie Order

We have all been there, the irresistible face of a cute kid selling tasty cookies.

They're the store, knocking on the door, in the parking lot...

Your objective is to create a console application that keeps track of the variety of cookie you ordered and the quantity using a List. You will also keep track of your total number of boxes purchased. You are going to give the program the ability to remove a variety from the list, just remember, this may make the girl scout sad so please be kind!

The Order Class

  • Write this class to keep track of 2 pieces of instance data: variety of cookie and numBoxes purchased
  • Create the constructor to handle this data

Design Thinking: Why should we being using Constructor Injection as opposed to Field or Setter Injection?

The OrdersMasterList Class

  • Declare your private List<Order> and name it orders
  • Create a constructor and consider what it may need (Think Dependency Injection)

OrdersMasterList should contain the following methods:

  • Proper Accessor Methods
  • public void addOrder(Order orderToAdd)
  • public int getTotalBoxes()
  • public void removeVariety(string variety) (Should remove all orders with provided variety)
  • public int getVarietyBoxes(string variety)

Design Thinking: Why did we have the OrdersMasterList class choose to create the addOrder method rather than just exposing the List<Order> and allowing external code to call the built in add method on it?

The Application Class

  • Keep ALL I/O here, but no logic.
  • Game Loop
  • Add 4 initial orders
  • Total the boxes purchased
  • Show the list
  • Remove a variety and give feedback on how many boxes were removed
  • Show the updated list


Current Order
Variety: Tagalongs Boxes: 1
Variety: Thin Mints Boxes: 5
Variety: Samoas Boxes: 2
Variety: Tagalongs Boxes: 3

You have ordered 11 boxes

What would you like to remove? (specify a variety or none)
Thin Mints
You are removing 5 Thin Mints
Current Order
Variety: Tagalongs Boxes: 1
Variety: Samoas Boxes: 2
Variety: Tagalongs Boxes: 3

Stretch Task

  • Update the type of "Collection" you're using to identify specific Orders and interact with them individually.