Java Module 1 - Week 1

The Beginning

Week 1 Object Oriented Programming Materials

Day 1 - HELLO!!!!


  • Welcome to We Can Code IT!!!
  • Minor Housekeeping
  • Expectations
  • Get familiar with our tech tools...Slack, Zoom, and IntelliJ
  • Ensure everybody has their coding environment set up properly
  • Once housekeeping is out of the way, we will dig into the code and cover:

    • What can a computer do?
    • Understanding what Java is and why it's awesome
    • Basic types
    • Variables


  • Morning Workshop - Hello, World!
  • Afternoon Workshop - Fortune Teller


Welcome to We Can Code IT


More Practice

Nightly Head First Java Reading

Topic Pages/Chapter
Super solid learning advice pg. xxvii
Code structure in Java pg. 7
Anatomy of a class and the main method pgs. 8-9
Know your variables, primitives and references pgs. 49-53
Looking ahead to tomorrow Chapter 1

Workshop Videos - Pending

Day 2 - Dive deeper into the fundamentals of Java!


  • Operators
  • Discerning what's true and what's false with booleans
  • Start controlling the flow of the program using conditional statements and finish Fortune Teller.
  • Walk through some basic coding exercises as a class then start working on them individually


  • Morning Workshop - Operators, Flow of Control, and Finishing Fortune Teller
  • Afternoon Breakout Session - Introduction to CodingBat



Coding Bat

  • Complete Warmup-1
  • Start Logic-1

More Practice

Nightly Head First Java Reading

Topic Pages/Chapter
Statements, looping and branching Chapter 1
Looking ahead to tomorrow, Objects and Classes Chapter 2

Workshop Videos - Pending

Self Evaluation

After today I want you to take a look at this page, Types and Expressions Objectives and ask yourself if we have met the learning objectives and can you answer all of these questions? If you can't, don't worry! This is what we refer to as a temperature check and gives us a good idea if we have covered the material we need to up to this point. Just let us know tomorrow if there is anything we need to review!

Day 3 - Intro to Git


  • Operators Review
  • File System and Git
  • Git-It Exercise
  • Introduce Guessing Game assignment


  • Morning Workshop - Git, GitHub, and You!
  • Morning Breakout Exercise - Git-It
  • Afternoon Workshop - Looping Around
  • Afternoon Breakout - Guessing Game



Guessing Game - First 3 iterations.

Nightly Head First Java Reading

Topic Pages/Chapter
Methods pgs. 71-79

Workshop Videos - Pending

Day 4 - Strings, Classes, and Objects


  • Morning Workshop - Strings, Classes, Objects
  • Afternoon Breakout - Weekend Assignment


Graded Assignment

Workshop Videos - Pending