Code Jam 1

Setup & Module 1

Setup Notes

Go ahead and finish setting up the following on your machine, if you don't already have them installed:

Tool What we'll use it for Download Link
Java 8 We will be using this to write our applications
IntelliJ IntelliJ is the IDE we'll use to write our Java code IntelliJ
Git & Git Bash Our version control system and its command line interface Git
Gradle The package manager we use to add dependencies to our projects Gradle

We'll use the following tools to help us communicate:

Tool What we'll use it for Download link
Slack Communication with your teammates or instructors Slack

Day 1

Today we'll get used to our tech tools and get to know one another.


  • Get to know one another.
  • Understand what Java is and why it's awesome.
  • Get familiar with our tech tools...Slack, Git and GitHub, IntelliJ
  • Learn how to begin using your Integrated Development Environment(IDE) to efficiently create great code


Time Activity
9:00am Check-In & Introductions
10:00am Admissions Administrative Tasks
11:00am Career Services
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Icebreakers
2:30pm Tech Tools Overview
4:50pm Checkout

Workshop Recording

-Code Jam 1 Day 1 Workshop Passcode: dCX%10Q9


Day 2

Git BASH/Linux Commands/Git/GitHub


  • Learn the commands needed to navigate Git Bash
  • Learn Git
  • Learn GitHub
  • Learn how git and github interact with one another


Time Activity
9:00am Check-In
9:30am Questions and Answers
9:45am Git BASH/Linux CLI workshop
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Git and Github
2:30pm Group Git Practice
4:50pm Checkout

Workshop Recording

-Code Jam 1 Day 2 Workshop Passcode: rDa#B7w3


Day 3

Time to code!


  • Begin to put in practice code components learned from Module 1
  • Begin to become familiar with your testing suite and how to get set up


Time Activity
9:00am Check-in
9:30am Questions and Answers
9:45am Grade Book workshop
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Guessing Game team work
4:00pm Coding Bat exercises
4:50pm CheckOut

-Code Jam 1 Day 3 Workshop Passcode: A5L4&U3c
